As a Realtor, I’m sure you’re always trying to find that “Thing” to set you apart from the other Realtors in your area. You’ve carefully crafted a listing package that gives you differentiation and shows potential clients that your services far exceed the services of other Realtors. Whatever your marketing strategy, Staging Walk & Talks are just one of the many Home Staging Services I offer and a great way to add value to your listing package without spending a ton of additional marketing dollars. I’ve also included some of my favorite staging essentials below as the beginning of a shopping list! Share this with your sellers and get the most from your listings!

What is a staging Walk & Talk? It’s a 2 hour tour of the home (inside and out) to identify what needs to be done in order to photograph and list the home. As an HSR certified staging professional, I am trained at how to view the home through a “buyers” eye. I provide objective recommendations on what needs to be done to sell the home faster and for the most possible money.

Ninety percent of potential buyers are looking on line at listings before choosing homes they want to visit. Additionally, they’re only picking a hand full of homes to see in person. Once inside the home, buyers know within 10 seconds whether they’ll make an offer. Regardless of the market conditions, creating that emotional connection with buyers is what produces results and offers! Fast sales for the most money possible= happy clients!

When I’ve completed a staging Walk& Talk, sellers will have a 14 page comprehensive list of EXACTLY what needs to be done to prepare the home for sale. This could include decluttering, painting, adjusting the flow of furniture and purchasing some small items to freshen the look of the home. Staging does not need to involve emptying the home. In many cases, I recommend that the home owners leave furniture in the rooms so prospective buyers can get an idea of the size of the rooms. Occupied homes can be staged using items the owner currently has, and adding a few accessories to update the look. Small items like towels, lighting, greenery and rugs photograph great and add that extra layer of detail to a home.

Here is a basic list of items I use to get started with staging an occupied home. This can be passed along to sellers and allows them to easily click the shopping links to purchase. Items used in staging don’t need to be expensive so purchasing from Amazon, HomeGoods or Ross is my recommendation. I white comforter and shiny lamps can go a long way in making a room look great in photographs!

By bringing in an “Expert” to stage your listings, your credibility with the seller is automatically elevated.  Professional stagers go through hundreds of hours of training in staging and many times hold additional certifications in color consultation and design.  You have to maintain a strong relationship with the client in order to make it through the entire escrow process. Use the home stager to address sensitive issues and to facilitate hard conversations about preparing the home to sell. Stagers can take the “heat” off Realtors so they’re better able to focus their area of expertise- selling homes!

Click Here to schedule a 2 hour Staging Walk Through

Cathy Di Leo

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